Wildlife Friendly Gardens

Carl Meredith Garden Design, Gardening for Wildlife

From the conception of our gardens, using ecological knowledge we encourage the conservation and restoration of wildlife.

Not only can this approach provide significant financial and well being benefits to the guardian of the land but also huge benefit’s for nature.

Often this can be achieved with simple actions such as;

Managing over sized trees, hedges and plants rather than removing them.

Enhancing grass lawns with wildflowers.

Renovating exisitng features rather than replacing them.

Minimising area covered by hard features.

We provide the following related services;

Ecology assessments and consultation

Wildflower Meadows

Green Roofs

General Garden maintenance/aftercare

Trees, hedges and plants.

Wildlife homes

Ponds/water features.

Rain water harvesting/ storage/non-mains irrigation.

Natural Stone walls/permeable paving

Natural Timber structures